Why Some Republicans Actually Want To Spend More Money On Medicaid


May 13, 2016 1:26 pm

CREDIT: Branden Camp/AP Images

This month, California’s top Republican lawmakers asked Gov. Jerry Brown (D) what may seem like an unusual request. They want to spend more money on the state’s Medicaid program that provides insurance services to low-income Californians.

Specifically, lawmakers want to pour $200 million into the state’s struggling Denti-Cal program, the state-run dental insurance program under Medicaid. The lawmakers were spurred to action by a damning report published in April. “[The] report reveals that ‘California’s Medicaid dental program is… broken, bureaucratically rigid, and unable to deliver the quality of dental care most other Californians enjoy,’” the lawmakers wrote in a letter to the governor.

“Fixing Denti-Cal is a priority for legislative

Article source: https://health.einnews.com/article/326036540/R_K-QhrkdMxKVzTo?ref=rss&ecode=uiQ1mLaH2KVPSS4e