FDA approves initial non-invasive DNA screening exam for colorectal cancer

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized Cologuard, a initial stool-based colorectal screening exam that detects a participation of red blood cells and DNA mutations that might prove a participation of certain kinds of aberrant growths that might be cancers such as colon cancer or precursors to cancer.

Colorectal cancer essentially affects people age 50 and older, and among cancers that impact both group and women, it is a third many common cancer and a second heading means of cancer-related genocide in a United States, according to a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Colorectal cancer screening is effective during shortening illness and genocide associated to colon cancer. The CDC estimates that if everybody age 50 or comparison had unchanging screening tests as recommended, during slightest 60 percent of colorectal cancer deaths could be avoided.

Colorectal cancer occurs in a colon (large intestine) or rectum (the colonnade that connects a colon to a anus). Most colorectal cancers start as aberrant lifted or prosaic hankie growths on a wall of a vast intestine or rectum (polyps). Some really vast polyps are called modernized adenomas and are some-more expected than smaller polyps to swell to cancer.

Using a sofa sample, Cologuard detects hemoglobin,

Article source: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/280949.php