Fund a trust, afterwards steal from it.

The send of a $110k to a incorrigible trust would many expected be deemed a disqualifying transfer, such that if she relates for Medicaid within 5 years she would face a really prolonged chastisement period. Is your devise to have her not request until after a genocide of a lookback period?

In any event, a loan by a trust to a customer should validate as a legitimate loan, given a terms accommodate a smallest mandate of seductiveness payments and it’s cumulative by a residence mortgage.

I don’t see how we have authorised for maintain of a house, though, if a customer is in a nursing home.

If your thought is to wait out a 5-year lookback duration and are usually endangered with defeating a state’s recoupment explain opposite a client’s estate following her death, afterwards this should work fine.

In general, it is indeed a good thought for anyone lending income to a intensity Medicaid applicant to secure a loan opposite a house, and afterwards record that in a register of deeds. That’s so that a cumulative lender can be paid behind first–i.e., before a state–upon a Medicaid recipient’s death.

On her death, a state can make a explain opposite her

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